Gurupeyarchi Palangal for Makaram by Jothida Mamani Munaivar Murugu Balamurugan for 2017-2018. A Complete guide for Guru Transit Forecast for all 12 raasis to read online for Free.
Read online detailed and complete 2017-2018 astrological forecast for Guru or Jupiter Transit for Makaram rasi. These predictions are for Makaram by Astrologer Jothida Mamani Munaivar Murugu Balamurugan. Forecast are for Health, Family, Finance, Trade, Business, Job, Employment, Politics, Farmers, Women and Students for Makaram. Also supplemented with detailed monthly forecast for all 12 Tamil months. You will also find your Lucky Number, Lucky Colour, Lucky Days and Lucky Directions. Pariharam also given for all 12 rasi to over come difficulties if any.
Use the Page Numbers at the bottom of the page to flip through 2017-2018 Guru Peyarchi Palangal. Complete and detailed analysis on the effects of this Jupiter Transit for Makaram
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